You might have had me open, but I must be going, I've got life to do.

I made a promise never to settle, why didn't I keep it?

Vissa låtar, och idag girl bands in particular, har bara en så helande effekt. Så konstigt att en låttext kan få en att må så mycket bättre och tycka att man kan ta sig igenom vissa saker man trodde man skulle dö av tidigare. I can't keep going through life unaware of what I'm missing and the person I can be.

I've been looking for the girl that I once knew
The girl with nothing to lose
right before she met you
I've been telling her everything that I've learned since then
Never gonna make them, same mistakes again

Let tomorrow be a new day, I'll be running from the heartache
And I wont be there no no, I wont be there no no
As the months turn into new years, wont be crying any new tears

Looking back I remember when I used to sit and cry
Every day, all night
I'm telling you everything that you knew has changed
I'll be turning a new page

I wont be having bad dreams, won't be having regrets
baby when tomorrow comes, you're gonna be the only one
if you'd loved, if you'd have cared
then babe I would be there...

-Atomic Kitten- "I won't be there"-


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