This behaviour so unexplainable

I'm sorry for not being a very enthusiastic blogger. I just happen to be too busy getting up before 8 am and then lying in bed watching TV all day. Occasionally I get up to use the toilet and (to) drink some fluids (I don't drink fluids from the toilet- just to be clear). And sometimes I make shrip salad. Why am I writing in English? Well since I'm still abroad I think that's the right thing to do. Also I wear thongs (flip flops) and shorts even tho it's -6 C outside. But it doesn't bother me because I'm abroad. Yes sir yes I am losing it. But I can inform you that my hair straightener works miracles thanks to being back on the normal voltage system. I am once again pretty, I miss a certain person saying it, saying it to oneself isn't as much fun as if He'd do it, but it cheers me up anyway. I have a horrible cough, I wonder why....

I gotta get my feet on the ground


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